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※发布时间:2017-1-4 12:10:59   ※发布作者:平民百姓   ※出自何处: 
   汉语中我们常说的排比 是将三个以上构造雷同或类似,语意相干,语气一致的词组或者句子分列起来形成一个整体. 恰本地应用排比可以加强气概,凸起表达内容,使句式整洁,富有感染力,给读者留下深刻的印象。
  1,因为它是一种 经久抗战 的力,有弹性,能屈能伸的力,有韧性,不达目标不止的力。
  The rock is utterly helpless before this force a force that will forever remain militant, a force that is resilient and can take temporary setbacks calmly, a force that is tenacity itself and will never give up until the goal is reached.
  Those who strive after fame and gain, and haggle over every penny, please go to the downtown area! Those who are sharp-tongued and quarrelsome, please go to the teahouse or restaurant! Those who love deafening gongs and drums as well as noisy wind and string instruments, please go to the opera house or th同声传译作为一种翻译方式,其最大特点在于效率高,原文与译文翻译的平均间隔时间是三至四秒,最多达到十多秒eatre! Those who are given to profound meditation and a quiet life without worldly desires, welcome to the lane!
  Here, besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland, we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well. Here bad people hold sway while good people suffer and justice is trodden down underfoot. Here people have to wage a savage struggle in order to win freedom. Here man eats man. O the numerous terrible scenes! O the numerous sad memories!
  以上三例,都出自张培基英译现代散文选,属于文学翻译,三者的合营之处就在于都采取了平行构造来翻译原文中的排比句,如许做的好处是最年夜限度地保存了和原文的对等, 以根本保存原文的情势美和声音美,而直译法也是文学翻译排比句的常用手段~
  4, 不管国际风云若何变幻,中国当局和国民都将高举和平、成长、合作旗号??
  Whatever changes take place in the international situation, the
  Chinese government and people will always hold high the banner of
  peace, development and cooperation.
  For more than a decade, China has been a strong champion of new security outlook, which has at its very core mutual trust ,mutual benefit ,equity and coordination.
   和平、成长、合作 和 互信,互利,平等,协作 都是最根本的二字格排比,所以字面直译是最简单快捷的处理办法。直译一般出现于二字格,三字格排比中,因为这两种类型多属于固定搭配,一般不存在太多的翻译技能处理。
  1, 我的生活曾经是悲苦的、阴郁的。然而同伙们把多量的同情、多量的爱、多量的欢快、多量的眼泪分了给我.这些器械都是生计所必须的。(巴金《同伙》)
  There was a time when my hfe was miserable and gloomy. My friends then gave me in large quantities sympathy,love joy and tears things essential for existence.
  译文把 多量的同情、多量的爱、多量的欢快、多量的眼泪 中的多量归并,只用了一个 large quantities 。
  Recently,China has launched a new National Security Comission and prosped a new holistic approach to national security .This new Chinese approach encompasses many aspects of security,including security of the people, of the political system,the economy ,defense ,culture, society and international environment.
  本句中 为主旨,为根本,为保障,为依托 并不是在强调他们的地位或感化,而是强调这些内容都包含在 国度总体安然不雅 中,是以进行了合理的紧缩。
  If SWalOWS go away,they will come back again.If willows wither,they will turn green again.If peach blossoms fade,they wm flower gain.
  增译if 使得行文加倍流畅
  于是 洗手的时刻,日子从水盆里以前;吃饭的时刻,日子从饭碗里以前;默默时,便从凝然的双面前以前。(朱自清《促》)
  Thus the day flows away through the sink when 1 wash my hands;vanishes in the rice bowl when I have my meal;passes away quietly before the fixed gaze of my eyes when I am lost in reverie.
  原文中三个分句都反复了 以前 ;译文则分别采 用 flows away 、 vanishes 、 passes away 三个同义词组进行一一对应。如许译文中既构成了和原文类似的、平行的句法构造.又避免了完全的反复。
  向促改革要动力,向调构造要助力,向惠民生要潜力, 既扩年夜市场需求,又增长有效供给,尽力做到构造调优而不掉速。
  We promoted reform to gain impetus for development, made structural adjustments to produce support for development, and improved living standards to increase the potential for development. We both expanded market demand and increased effective supply, working to ensure that structural adjustments were made without compromising the growth rate.
  本句中三个 向要 分别采取不合句式,避免了句式的反复,别的,为了避免 一逗到底 情况,译文三句一断,包管译文清楚流畅. 当上海翻译公司有很多的,但是并一定都是在上海本地,很多好的翻译公司也可以帮助你解决问题的处理排比分句较多的情况时,必须以细心分析原旬,理清各分句问的关系为前提,分别或综合应用不定式,介词短语或者分词构造将原句重组,以表现出原文字里行间的逻辑,也相符英语的 树状构造 .
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